Soviet MiG Fighter health increased to 240 from 200.Soviet Dreadnaught Missiles now scatter against units.Soviet Stingray health increased to 450 from 360.Soviet Super Power Plant will no longer explode if it is destroyed before it has completed building.Soviet Super Power Plant energy production reduced to 350 from 500.Refund value reduction is equivalent to the damage taken by the building. Soviet structures will no longer refund 100% of their cost if canceled after taking damage.Soviet Flak Trooper Cost increased to 400 from 300.Soviet Apocalypse Tank grinder damage halved.Soviet Hammer Tanks can no longer leech while moving.Allied Chronosphere now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.Allied Apollo Fighter heath increased to 300 from 250.Special Agent Tanya Adams now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.Allied Defense Bureau build time increased to 30s from 10s.Rift time changed to 5s, 10s, and 15s, depending. Allied Chronorift cast delay reduced to 1s.Allied Cryocopter health reduced to 650 from 750.Allied Athena Cannon no longer requires line of sight to attack.Allied Outpost now gains additional health when upgraded (25% per level).Allied Assault Destroyer Black Hole Armor bonus increased to 35% from 25%.Allied Aircraft Carrier reload time reduced to 10s from 15s.Allied Aircraft Carrier drones no longer give large amounts of XP when killed.Allied Aircraft Carrier drone speed increased to 225 from 150.Allied Javelin Soldier cost reduced to 300 from 400.The Top Secret Protocols have been reordered for all three factions.Anti-Infantry vehicles (Riptide, Jet Tengu) vulnerability to GUN damage (PeaceKeeper, Conscript, Imperial Warrior) now reduced to 25% from 50%.Due to the recent downturn in the global economy, all Super Weapons are now half price.Observation Post health increased to 10000 from 3000.Oil Derricks now explode when destroyed.Walls and Structures no longer block line of sight while being constructed.Garrison Range bonus reduced to 75% from 100%.Play these maps and many more in the stand-alone campaign expansion, Red Alert 3 Uprising, available for download at. Added two new maps for skirmish and online play: Spring Fever (2 player) and Blitzen's Back (4 player).This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, adds two free maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising, and more. This patch fixes an exploit with the Allied Assault Destroyer. Patches for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 are cumulative.